By our Baptism each of us is called, chosen and sent to carry on the mission of Jesus, to use our gifts and talents in the service of God and of one another.

Some are called to the vocation of marriage and family life. The mutual love of husband and wife is the perfect image of Christ’s love for his Church. It is in the home that the love of God is first experienced through the loving care of parents and relatives.
Some are called to the single life in loving service of the wider community and family.
Some are called to the consecrated life, living the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience through a life of contemplative prayer and in service to the needs of the world, especially of the poor.
Some are called to the vocation of priesthood, to serve the community of the parish through the Sacraments, through preaching the Word of God and through pastoral care.
Who am I?
What is my life about?
Where am I going?
These are questions that we ask ourselves at different times in our lives, especially when we are making choices about the path we should follow in life.
People often think that “vocation” is a word that only applies to priests and nuns, or that it means following a particular trade or profession. Christians believe that God has made each of us uniquely different, with our own particular gifts and qualities. We are all called to follow Jesus Christ on our life journey and to use our gifts in the service of others. We are all called to love. This is our Christian vocation.
Over the next few blogs we will look at the different choices through personal testimonies that people may make to follow their Christian calling.