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Day 82 – 23rd March: St Turibius of Mongrovejo (1538 - 1606)

St Turibius was born in Spain and studied law at Salamanca. He was named Archbishop of Lima and travelled over to Peru. He had such a large diocese covering thousands of miles, which included coastline, mountains, and jungles. He covered his diocese generally on foot, baptising, confirming, and teaching the people. He made the Church strong in Peru, building churches and monasteries. He died in Lima on the 23rd March.

Prayer St Turibius of Mongrovejo

Dear Lord, as we reflect on St Turibius,

we pray for the people and the Church in Peru,

and we give thanks for his mission of evangelisation.

We pray for all our bishops and those called

to be bishops within our church,

that they are led and guided by the spirit

within their work, in order to lead those within their Diocese.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


St Turibius. Pray for us.

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