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Day 100 – 10th April: Palm Sunday


Today we complete our 100 Days of Prayer, journeying with holy men and women who followed Jesus through his life, death and Resurrection. On this Palm Sunday it is fitting that as we begin Holy Week we reflect on the highest model of human and divine holiness. We are empowered by the forgiveness of our sins and the grace of his Resurrection to be holy as he is holy.

“They took palm branches and went out to meet him, and cried out:

"Hosanna! "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel."

(John 12:13)

Prayer Palm Sunday

Dear Lord, as we celebrate Palm Sunday,

we reflect upon Christ’s entry into Jerusalem.

The crowd that welcomed You,

will soon be the people jeering and shouting

at You, as You carry the cross on Good Friday,

through the same streets.

We pray that we can give everything to You this week,

in order to prepare for Your Resurrection.

We pray in thanksgiving for the saints

who we have reflected on over the last 100 days,

that they continue to inspire us and intercede for us in prayer.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord.




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