“Lent is a spiritual springtime. It’s a joyful season, as the Roman Liturgy puts it, a time when God wants to give us new grace and new life.”
Bishop Philip Egan
(Bishop of Portsmouth)
Lent is a season of "renewal" a time where we can step back and contemplate on our life and draw closer to God. It could be a time to give something up, or do something extra, you could develop your prayer life and even take time to discern what God is calling you to next.
On this page you will see links to some resources that can help you through Lent, including our Lenten Catechesis "Renewal" and links to our GodCalls Adventure progamme that is free to download.
We pray that this Lent is fruitful for you and that it ever draws you into a closer relationship with Jesus, a chance to follow him during these 40 days, to the Cross and beyond.

Pope Francis' Lenten Message
‘…prayer, almsgiving and fasting are not three unrelated acts, but a single movement of openness and self-emptying, in which we cast out the idols that weigh us down, the attachments that imprison us’.

Lenten Catechesis
"Renewal" Pray, Fasting and Almsgiving
A guide to help young people through the season of Lent by looking at these three acts.

GodCalls Adventure
A 40 day self guided programme, which will help you get into a routine of prayer and suggest other activities during this Lenten Season.
Prayer, Reconciliation & Discernment
The Church offers a treasure trove of different forms and expressions of prayer. The greatest prayer we can offer is our active participation in Holy Mass. We also pray when we seek to enter the presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and when we listen to the words of God in Sacred Scripture.
In Acts of the Apostles, we see that prayer is one of the four pillars of how the apostles and early Church members lived their real and tangible relationship with Jesus Christ “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” (Acts 2:42). Prayer therefore is one of the vital aspects of entering into and living an ever-deepening relationship with God.
This Lent let us take the opportunity to explore the many different ways to pray. Visit our GodCalls Adventure progamme to explore the various way to prayer.
Reconciliation or “Confession” as many Catholics speak of it is one of the seven sacraments of the Church. It falls into the category of one of the two sacraments of healing, the other being the anointing of the sick. The purpose of both these sacraments is to bring about God’s healing and mercy in the world through the power of the Holy Spirit. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we receive God’s forgiveness for our sins, and so we are reconciled to the Church’s life and are able to live the life of charity that exudes from sacramental grace.
This Lent take the opportunity to go to Reconciliation, either at your parish, another parish or at an event which offers the Sacrament.
Discernment is making a decision in the light of prayer, reflection, experience and community.
Nobody should have to make important decisions by themselves, but a Christian has been baptised into the body of Christ. Now, the Church is the tangeable presence of Jesus on earth today, through the sacraments and the work of the Holy Spirit you are not left alone to make life-decisions.
This Lent take your discernment further, perhaps speak to someone about this or contact us in order to get you some guidance. Visit our discernment page for further information.
Apps to help
There are a number of prayer apps to help you pray during Lent. We have put some suggestions below:
Hallow: Lent Pray 40: www.hallow.com
Pray As You Go: www.pray-as-you-go.org