To be "Consecrated" means "Set apart" in this case - for God
There are many ways to be consecrated... all these consecrations in our tradition, are rooted in our baptismal consecration.
To be "Consecrated" means "Set apart" in this case - for God
There are many ways to be consecrated... all these consecrations in our tradition, are rooted in our baptismal consecration.
Besides ordination, and consecrated religious (sisters, brothers, monks, nuns etc), you can be set apart for God by being a consecrated virgin, a widow / widower or hermit. You can also be a consecrated person in a scular institute. There are also many new forms of consecration life that are coming to life in the church too.
To become a Consecrated Virgin, Widow / Widower, or Hermit, you need to contact your diocesan Bishop.
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