Discernment means to work out what you can do,
in the light of prayer and reflection.

Discernment is making a decision in the light of prayer, reflection, experience and community.
Nobody should have to make important decisions by themselves, but a Christian has been baptised into the body of Christ. Now, the Church is the tangeable presence of Jesus on earth today, through the sacraments and the work of the Holy Spirit you are not left alone to make life-decisions.
How do I KNOW?
There are very few cases where we can say with certainty that we know God's will, there always has to be an element of FAITH.
The Church is a community of believers, and is there to support us. You can ask a priest, a religious or somebody experienced in listening to the signs of the Holy Spirit like somebody trained in spiritual direction to help you. If you wish, you can ask us, and we will put you in contact with sombody who can help you. Contact us and ask for one of our Vocation Guides.
Are you Roman Catholic?
Could you commit to meeting for about an hour once a month over a year to meeting a vocation guide?
If you would like help from a vocation guide,
download the application form here:
How can I get help DISCERNING?
Ask your parish priest or deacon
Ask a religious brother or sister
Ask a school chaplain or youth minister
Contact the National Office for Vocation